Downloadable Content

Some of my images for sale can be downloaded. This is to allow you to print the images.

For more information on how to download an image, click here.

Terms of Use for Downloadable Content

There are two different licenses available, which are:

Personal Use. This is best if you are going to print the image for your own personal use. For more information, please read the full Personal Use License by clicking here.

Commercial Use. This is best if you wish to include the image in some sort of advertisement. For more information, please read the full Commercial Use License by clicking here.

In the case of both licenses:

  1. I reserve and retain my full copyright as per the law.
  2. You can never ever resell my images. If you wish to do this, please contact me directly.

Be warned all my images have their copyright embedded into them. So if you do break the contract and profit on my hard work and leave me poor, homeless and hungry, my lawyers and myself will be able to find you and your bank accounts.

If you are new to copyright and just want to purchase and download an image but have questions, Im a nice guy, so feel free to email any of your questions.
